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Camino Day 11: Sarria to Ferreiros

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

Day 11 Sarria to Ferreiros (14.4km over 4 hours)

Today we resumed our Camino on foot and were rewarded with lovely weather and beautiful scenery. We are now part of the larger number of peregrinos joining the Camino Frances. This is where many start their walk to Santiago - school groups, friend groups, families, etc. It's a very festive atmosphere, different from the quiet of the Pyrenees. We feel lucky to experience the different vibes of the Camino at different stages during our time.

We left around 7:30am and walked through mostly overcast breezy weather which helped disperse the, shall we say, very natural farm animal fragrances :) The scenery of gently rolling hills, large farmland reminded me of the many walks I did as a Peace Corps volunteer going site to site for work and to visit friends. We walked through a bit of rain which cooled things off even more. We were passed by the Guardia Civil who are now patrolling the Camino to make sure peregrinos are safe, hydrated and going the in the right direction. They have mobile stops where they provide their own stamp.

We've been enjoying down time once we reach our albuergue. Today we are staying at Casa Cruceiro in Ferreiros and have 4 bunk beds in a 10 bunk bed room. After arriving, we remove our shoes, place our hiking poles in the common bin, and start with chores. These include charging our phones and computer, doing laundry by hand, taking showers, reading and journaling. We check emails, do work, and plan the next day's activities. This usually takes us all the way to dinner. Tomorrow we head to Palas de Rei for another day on the Camino heading to Santiago.

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