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Camino Day 2: Orisson to Roncevalle

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

Day 2: Orisson to Roncevalle (17.3km over 7 hours)

We woke up early to the sound of what we thought were cowbells, but learned they were “horsebells” when we came out to greet the sunrise and were greeted by these beautiful horses grazing on the mountainside. My daughter rides horses so this was an exciting moment.

We knew we had to get an early start on what we learned was a tie for the “most difficult stage of the Camino” with Day 1. Wait, what? We through Day 1 was supposed to be the most difficult. Well, we learned that the elevation of stage 2 is not as steep, but the distance is twice as long with slow inclines.

After a typical albergue breakfast of baguette, butter, jelly and tea/coffee, we filled up our bottles, made sure we were fully packed and started on the 17km hike that would increase in elevation through the Pyrenees to Roncesvalle. The scenery was again, magnificent. We saw grazing sheep, cows, and horses, all with bells round the necks making the most unusual, but calming chorus.

After 4 hours walking, we crossed over into Spain and the climate went from breezy, open fields to more narrow, gravel trails heading straight up under the afternoon sun. We sang songs to keep us going, took many breaks and ate through our Z bar supply that we picked up while in California. It was another tough day that tested our patience, determination, and grit.

After over 7 hours, we made it to the hostel and got in line at the our hostel, a monastery now converted into the Roncesvalle Hostel.

We had a 4-bunk bed “cubby” and took showers. We went to a nearby Cafe Sabina restaurant for pasta and vegan paella, attended the Pilgrim’s mass at the church on site built in the 14th century. We settled in around 9pm knowing we’d be up and out by 7am.

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1 Comment

Ed Farris
Ed Farris
Sep 05, 2022

Amazing! The photo you posted of the "big" view walking on the dirt road reminded me of the road to Covelo, which is in the California Coast Range. So many beautiful places on planet Earth.

....see the resemblance?


Grandpa Ed

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