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Camino Day 21: Muxía

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

Day 21 Muxía

Muxía has been magic! We were drawn to Muxía as it is along the coast and is one of the farthest points of the Camino, going beyond Santiago de Compostela. Tradition has it that the Virgen Mary appeared to the Apostle, James here in a stone boat to encourage him to continuing preaching. Thus, it is a special site on the Camino. Pilgrims come to Muxía for many reasons -- to see the church where Mary appeared, to extend their Camino, to rest and relax before heading home, etc.. We love the beach and wanted to see the coast so we were up for the trip.

We arrived early-ish by bus and were immediately excited to get to the beach that we saw on the way in to town. We checked into our albergue, put on bathing suits, and made our way back down the walkway leading to the most beautiful beach surrounded on both sides by rock cliffs. The water was warm(er) and we played in the sand, and warmed up on rocks.

We stopped for pizza on our way home and then came home to shower and clean up. We set out the explore the town, with extra layers as it was windy. We headed up the hill to see some of Muxía’s sites and were blown away by its beauty. The Sancuario de Nuestra Sra. De la Barca, Muxía’s famous church, emerged as we came over the top of the hill and it was awe inspiring against a backdrop of the setting sun and the Atlantic Ocean.

We saw Muxía’s lighthouse, and had fun jumping and scrambling on large cliff rocks. We headed back up to a large stone monolith, Mirador Jesus Quintanal, a monument created as a homage to the Galician people who helped Muxía’s coast recover from the Prestige oil spill in November 2002. It is right near the Camino 0.0 km mark. We were grateful to explore the area and then headed back down the hill to gather supplies for dinner at a nearby supermarket. Tomorrow we start walking again!

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