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Camino Day 9: Leòn to Ponferrada

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

Day 9 León to Ponferrada (by bus)

We awoke early to walk to the bus station and caught our bus to Ponferrada. On the bus, we passed through Astorga where we got to see Gaudi’s cathedral that we had seen in Casa Botines the day before through the bus window. We made it to our Airbnb that is near downtown. There is a lot of activity as they city is celebrating La Virgen de la Encias.

We walked up through the city to the Knights Templar and found that there is a Medieval festival going on right now! While walking the Camino from St. Jean through the Pyranees we met 2 lovely pilgrims walking the Camino in medieval clothing and using only items that 14th century pilgrims would have used – ceramic cup, water pouch, specially made leather shoes that look more like slippers, and flowing dresses. We walked with them for a stage and learned that they wanted to walk the Camino just as the 13th century pilgrims did. From that point, Asha became interested in medieval history and culture and dress. Last night we watched a documentary on the Knights Templar on National Geographic for context.

The Castle was "mind-blowing" according to Asha :) Built in the 11-15th centuries, it showcases the architectural skill of that time. Thick walls to keep it supported and cool in the summer, and tunnels connecting it to the river below allowed it to have a supply a water even if invaded. We also happened to stumble upon a Gran Medieval Mercado – Medieval Fair – of musicians, clothing and food stalls. It was all very colorful as everyone was in Medieval dress. On the way home we caught a dance performance put on by one of the local dance schools (we think). Asha got to see some Flamenco performed by all ages of dancers.

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