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Camino de Santiago Day 0: touchdown

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

Day 0: Madrid, Spain to St. Jean Pied de Port, France

We made it! We were very impressed with TAP Airlines and the Lisbon customs and security staff who shuttled us quickly through our layover at Lisbon in time to catch our flight to Madrid. We stayed at the IHG Holiday Inn Express at Alcorcon, grabbed showers, then dinner at nearby Tres Aguas shopping center, and crashed for the night. We got as much sleep as we could while still adjusting to the 9-hour time difference from (ahead of) California.

The next morning, we made it to our 7:30am Renfe train Madrid to Pamplona. From Pamplona, we took the 1pm Alsa bus through the winding, rolling hills to St. Jean (it was pretty treacherous...glad we didn't eat beforehand).

We arrived in St. Jean Pied de Port (SJPdP) just after lunch and checked into Hotel Beilari where we are staying for the next 2 days before starting the Camino on Saturday. The hotel is right across from the Oficina de Peregrinos (Pilgrim's Office) where we were oriented to the Camino and picked up our official Pilgrim's passport, or Credencial de Peregrinos, and got our first official stamp. We'll be collecting stamps at each aubergue (hostel) that we stay along the way and present the credential in Santiago de Compostela to obtain the official Compostela certificate as a symbol of walking the Camino.

We are really enjoying exploring SJPdP and being amongst other arriving pilgrims from all over the world. We have learned that this city was founded in 761 as an important staging post on one of Europe's oldest routes between France and Spain and owes it's name to its geographic location at the foot of the "ports" (Latin) or passes of the French Pyranees. The city feels quaint but international as all signs are in English, French, Spanish and Basque given it's location in the Basque region. It has small cafes, historic churches within it's walled area that leads to the town's Citadel, as well as modern amenities to host visitors such as a large supermarket, new library, and well staffed tourism office. Everyone has been welcoming and very helpful and we are grateful to have an extra day here before we start walking tomorrow.

We're enjoying getting to know our fellow pilgrims and hearing about their motivations for walking: reset button after a life change, celebration of retirement, inner contemplation. We start tomorrow and are nervous and excited for what the journey brings!

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Ed Farris
Ed Farris
Sep 05, 2022

Catch'n up with you're doin' it and we're praying for you guys.

D'jobe say's hi to Asha and say's, "I know Asha can do this!' She also says she misses her and she and the "Handsome One" also want to meet Bo! Thanks for the postcard from Saint-Jean Pied du Port, we got it! Jobes also wanted me to send Asha a picture of her ...We all love you.

Grandpa Ed ;)

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